Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back to the Beach...

Jessica just sent these pics from her visit here!  This is the lovely beach of Maruata.
Griffin preparing dinner.
 Let me first begin by saying how much the mexican people´s hearts and prayers have been going out to Japan.  Having experienced some tsunamis on the west coast, albeit none so big as this one, they seem to understand how devastating such a natural disaster can be.  Some have even said it makes them think twice about living so close to the ocean and that the next time they feel an earthquake they plan to head high.

While we were still in the highlands at the time, we heard about it´s affects here as soon as we returned.  Although minimal,  there was supposedly a sudden change of tides- it went from high tide to low tide and then back to high tide all in a matter of minutes.  Supposedly a large wave came through that swept further inland than any others (tracking up the river at Ticla) but no destruction, and some people were actually surfing at the time!  Needless to say they were momentarily concerned by the sudden change of tides but other than that it seemed to have had little impact.

After a pleasant jaunt in the highlands (pics to come soon- once again an uncooperative computer) we made our way back to the coast by means of a lovely mountainous highway.  We picked up our boards in Ticla and then started south down the coast to the state of Guerrero.  We are currently staying a week at the fantastic surf break (long and slow!) of Saladita.  While it was hard to say goodbye to the many friends in Ticla and the lovely community, I am glad to be at a little more forgiving surf. Griffin´s ribs are still healing so it might be a couple weeks yet before he is back in the water.

Pepe´s Oat Milk (or agua de avena)
 This recipe is fantastic either hot or chilled.  Pepe made it in the cool mornings before surfing and then again in the evenings as a warm dessert drink. I just love how simple and deliscious it is...

-  Half a Cup of Oats
-  4 Cups Water
-  Quarter Cup Sugar
-  Cinnamon (I use sticks and just throw the sticks in at the beginning with the oats, but powder will do.  I even sprinkle a little powdered cinnamon in each cup at the end for aesthetics).

This amounts to 2 servings.  Combine oats and water and bring to a boil for a couple of minutes.  Turn to simmer and stir occasionally for 15-20 minutes (like white rice but with the lid off).  It should thicken a bit but still be a bevarage with a few oat chunks.  Pepe served it in a cup with a spoon to get the few bites of oats.  It could also be blended.  He would also set sugar out so people could add more if they wanted it sweeter, but I like the subtle sweet taste.  Provecho!

P.S.  There is no internet at Saladita.  We have to drive a bit to use it so pardon if I fall behind on communication. Will do my best!


  1. i forgot to ask if you tried the awesome blue corn tortiallas halfway up to the volcano? i almost lost my horse that day too.

  2. love the blue corn tortillas! how did you lose your horse??
